OpenSynther description will be added soon…
In the meantime you can checkout the source code on my github.
OpenSynther is released under MIT license but as I’m currently using SiftGPU this is legally wrong: SiftGPU is released under the viral GPL so OpenSynther is GPL for now…
- Feature extraction done with SiftGPU
- Feature matching done with SiftGPU: 4 matching mode implemented:
- unstructured linear (as described in Samantha and probably in PhotoSynth) [NEW]
- unstructured quadratic (exhaustive: already implemented in BundlerMatcher)
- opened sequence (recently added to BundlerMatcher)
- closed sequence [NEW]
- Tracks generation (adapted from Bundler Code)
- Tracks triangulation with libmv and a custom robust triangulation algorithm using PhotoSynth cameras positions and orientations
- Tracks “colorization”
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