Happy new year 2014!
This is a short post in case you’ve missed the launch of Photosynth2. I’m glad to be able to break the silence and to show some nice stuff again . I’ve developed the WebGL viewer used to display ps2 synths and I’ve been busy capturing tons of ps2′s (I still have a lot of datasets waiting to be uploaded
If you are using a modern browser you should be able to see this ps2 with the WebGL viewer:
Otherwise we are also generating an mp4 fallback:
In case you are wondering what’s new compared to photosynth1, I’ve created this video showing the benefit of a ‘good’ geometry (ps2) for image-based rendering instead of using only a dominant plane (ps1):
Photosynth 1 is allowing unstructured capture and thus the navigation is very difficult. In Photosynth 2 we are constraining the user to capture images along a single path (1D manifold) and thus the navigation is very simple (and touch friendly ). Photosynth 2 introduces 4 different topology (camera motions):
BTW if you type: “The answer to life, the universe and everything”, on the view page of a synth a magic menu will appear with lot of options so that you can tweak your viewer. You will need to refresh the view page to apply most options and the changes are permanent (store in localStorage).
‘m’ and ‘c’ are also two other shorcuts that you should try…
I should have another post very soon. Stay tuned!