Archive for July, 2011

Google Chrome PhotoSynth Viewer using Three.js

July 21st, 2011

I’m finally back from holiday and found enough time to update the Google Chrome extension with my new PhotoSynth Viewer based on Three.js.

You can download the new Google Chrome extension from the chrome web store: Three.js Google Chrome extension. The old one is still available but this is not a good idea to have both activated at the same time… Do not hesitate to use the donate button ;-) (located in the right side-panel) if you find this extension useful… thanks!

Warning: this extension may use a lot of ram (point cloud are store in memory as regular js array not TypedArray).

Possible improvement

  • Add picture thumbnails in the 3d environment (may become impossible without Microsoft adding CORS to the jpeg due to WebGL security issue)
  • Add a free flight camera (easy to add but harder without roll: I’ve added features to Three.js Quaternion class for this purpose, but still not ready)
  • Make the download point cloud link work! This is not my fault (I hope) I think that this is a Chrome bug. The only workaround that I can think of (without being sure that it would work) for this issue would be that Microsoft host downloadify.swf on… please ask them to do that!
  • Add a Meshlab like camera system (mouse handling + white sphere): if you know Three.js please give it a try!


Please take a look at the list of all dependencies used for this demo in my previous post describing this PhotoSynth viewer.
